*Note: The rating / scoring may vary for each academic year / IIC versions. So to know the scoring for current academic year you can refer "Rating and Scoring System" document.

To reach to the My Performance page first go to "My Profile" from Menu list and then select "My Performance" sub-tab. For navigation refer the image given below.

My Performance page will show the status of your performance for the academic year. You can select the academic year by clicking on the respective tabs, refer the image given below for the internal navigation.

Here you may see the performance of your previous academic year also,

    1. IIC Annual Performance Report 2021-22 (IIC 4.0)
    2. IIC Annual Performance Report 2020-21 (IIC 3.0)
    3. IIC Annual Performance Report 2019-20 (IIC 2.0)

For IIC Annual Performance Report 2021-22 (IIC 4.0)

The performance page has been divided into four major tables, they are

    1. Main Table
    2. Table A (Score for the Activities conducted)
    3. Table B (Score for the the IIC's Participation in Various Programs)
    4. Table C (Score Range and Star Allocation)

Main Table

In this table you may see your institute activity score and the score conversion, disapproval percentage and the total score earned out off 100.

Table A

This table consist of only the activity score. This score a weight-age of 80% upon the total score. You may see the 80% score conversion on the Main table.

Table B

This table consist of the institute's participation on various other MIC activities other than IIC mentioned as well as exceptional performance on the prescribed activities also.

Table C

This table consist of the score range and the star allocation.

For IIC Annual Performance Report 2020-21 (IIC 3.0)

You can divide the my performance page in to four sections, they are

    1. Performance report
    2. Performance for 5th star
    3. Score Vs Star allocation
    4. Activity based weight-age

For detailed information of the topics please press their respective links

1 Performance report

Here you can see your performance rated by IIC. These scores will be displayed after the evaluation  process in done by the IIC team. In this section there are some important information, they are

  • Score : It will show the score you have earned out off 100  
  • Reward : It will show the reward points you have scored out off 100
  • Rating : Here you can see for the four stars you have earned how many stars
  • Fifth star rating : You can see how many stars you have scored out out that fifth star
  • Final Star : Total star you have earned out off five stars

2 Performance for 5th star

Here in this section you can see how many reward scores you have earned out off 100 with their respective activity types and their score weight-age.

3 Score Vs Star allocation

In this section you can find the score range to star allocation equivalent for the 4th star and the 5th star.

4 Activity based weight-age

Here you can find the score weight-age based on the activity for each quarter. 

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